Thursday, October 10, 2019

$5 Tuesday Movie Review - Abonimable

Tuesday I caught a morning showing of "Abonimable"

And 4 out of 5 tears... No really.  I teared up about 3-4 times while watching this movie.  Perhaps I was just feeling sentimental or more open that morning but I cried within the first 5-10 minutes of the movie and then cried not too long after.  It actually reminded me of "Up", not so much with the montage of time passing and you seeing all the events but the fact I got hit with emotion so early on.

The scene which triggered me wouldn't be one you suspect either or maybe it is... it'd be interesting to get other's take but the scene where the mom just has this look, she's obviously knowing something is wrong and just has this look of defeat but you know she hasn't given up as she exits her Ye's room.  The next time I cried was listening to Ye play the violin and man, when music moves you... I for sure came to the conclusion that I need the soundtrack in my life or definitely plan on listening to the violin pieces when I'm writing for Nano 2019.

There were a couple parts where I got pulled out of the movie, one was when the Coldplay song came on.  It's a good song but something about it hadn't boded, felt cheesy, or out of place.  I get the sentiment and definitely love the song but for whatever reason I got pulled out/into my head during a couple scenes it played. 

And I loved Ye.  I related so much to the fact of "I still haven't even cried..." (I paraphrase) but anyone that's known a big loss may find this an access point they can relate to.

I appreciate the villain despite suspecting it early on, it was still interesting when the veil dropped. 

I am having a memory fail regarding the other characters at the moment but I enjoyed this movie and man did it make me think "okay, must visit China..."

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