Saturday, February 26, 2022

Last weekend. This weekend.

 I had this, out of nowhere moment/reflection of last weekend.

I am grateful for today and just recognizing how much I accomplished today.

I found myself comparing all the writing this time last Saturday.  The yard work/chopping on Sunday.

Still, I recognize that today was great.  And that skating scene idea 💗💗💗


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Successes This Week


- Posted a chapter of ACOFAR (after a long hiatus)

- Posted a chapter of Inversion

- Completed draft cover

- Submitted feedback for students tonight'

- Started a new book (and nearly done)

- Finished chunky quilt

- Releasing and gratitude

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Chunky Blanket Complete

- Started on SuperBowl Sunday
- My "something new" for the week
- Folded in half for pic


Monday, February 21, 2022


This still hits...

Listening to several throwback tunes while writing.  

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Movie Night


We saw a movie tonight.

Mi madres picked the movie.

About half-way through she fell asleep.  She snored.  I nudged her with my shoulder.

We did this about 4 more times.

The end.