Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Inversion...a novel...

 A novel that I'm pseudo working on.

I won't say when I know for sure what I'm working on for Nano that it's full proof.  There's definitely something at play when I do have successful ones, i.e. last year when I hit 50k by 11/13 and had a completed first draft by the 21st then went on to write a short story or two.

This year I'm behind and I think there are a lot of reasons for that but to do so would be placing blame, maybe even making excuses.  

Even though I'm not putting words to paper and cranking things out, I am feeding my mind.  I am composing.  I am thinking through Inversion and the other stories I've worked on this year.  They are there happening and letting me peer into them.  When I sit down to the computer, however, I find myself looking at SNL clips, ear wax removal vids, jobs, and whatever else strikes me.

I've got a few books open too.  Reading.  Studying.  Analyzing.  Thinking through my narrative.  I think that's part of why the words are coming slow.  I've learned its better to not force anything so I'm going to see if this scene in my head wants to play nice.  If not, I'm okay to pick up and read a bit more.  

But at least I wrote today... not counting this toward my word count, but counting it as writing for the day ^_^

Last year's nano (printed it out the other day at the library) -

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