Monday, May 18, 2015

Finding where to start...

Today was an emotional and physically draining day.  Not planning to get into it much more than that, I keep thinking I might post more what my life has become and in essence what my 'normal' is. 

But instead I will note that I did go see another house today.  My grandfather saw this one with me.  It's one I checked out last month during an open house  I also had intended to have my grandma see it today but after dropping her this morning I figured I'd rather not bother her about checking it out.  I also mentally decided to do something but I'm not sure how far I'll get with actually seeing that through. 

However after all is said and done last night I collected my MD material.  I also took a glance at my TYW material and though I'd given up on trying to revise MD, I'm a glutton for punishment and can't just let it go.  So my bed is currently covered in notes, both drafts of MD, multiple notebooks that I've captured stuff in at one point of time, beat sheets, beat sheet examples, scene outlines, novel outlines, pep talks, journal entries and some random things (such as an application and my niece's fieldtrip form for the zoo). 

It's almost 10 here and I'm not sure how far I'll get but I feel good being surrounded in this mess.  I was anxious to get lost in my mind today and now that everything is out, semi-organized I find myself wondering if I should just write the scene that's been tinkering in my mind though it's not fully fleshed out.  Keep rereading and making notes for the placement of items and the overall timeline.  Do some activities to get my mind going and brainstorm more or ... ... ...

I have my tunes playing.  I think that's a good place to start :)

And in unrelated news I decided to deactivate my fb acct tonight.  I think it'd been a long time coming since I hadn't really been using it and got a bit annoyed with all the messages.  I'm also thinking of finally investing in a new phone/new line.  I've had the same number since I was 15.  At the very least I need to put it in my name. 

Anywho, I'm off. 


  1. You can always tell which stories you should be working on based on what you go back to time and again even though you know you shouldn't! Good luck with it. Hope you made progress.

    1. LOL, thanks Lan. After all that I ended up adding to the zombie novel! And later that night dreamt of a scene for TYW.
