Friday, May 8, 2015

The Weekend... Yay!

I really wanted to write more but I'm super tired and it's been quite the week.  A lot of just frustration and ache just sort of culminated yesterday but good came out of it, i.e. my grandma has been standing on her own over by the sink.  Not the best way but at least she's getting up and trying to find the right balance so there's that. 

I don't have much planned this weekend besides trying to read/finish a book and maybe work on MD since it's been on my brain.  I really want to reread Part 1.  I don't know how far I'll get given there's always something for me to do but given the forecast this weekend I'm thinking I won't be doing too much ripping/running.  I may try to look at one house this weekend that has a pool ***excited***  Though looking at a house on a rainy day doesn't excite me.  Reading on a rainy day on the other hand...

So I haven't had a weekend to do list in a while.  Mostly because I don't have the time to get online as much.  Between trying to stay atop of everything at work plus help/work with my grandma in her recovery, work with the niece, and my mom it is quite the juggling act and there's always a lot to remember.  Like I forgot yesterday was the parent's night to see The Lion King and my niece was quite upset when she noticed I wasn't there.  And I wanted to be there but I completely forgot that that was occurring yesterday.  I did have her try to reenact it once we got home but I know for her seeing me there was the biggie and a couple staff told me she cried when she saw I wasn't there :(

But you know, I felt bad about it and should've put a reminder on my calendar or something but at the end of the day I'm prone to make mistakes just because of the nature of all I've taken on.  Striving for perfection is my problem and trying to do it all but one thing I was able to walk away with this week is the direction.  For the longest time I've felt as though I were being pulled but between yesterday and today I've arrived to a realization.  Took a lot of mental fighting but it's one of those things where I've had the answer all along and basically a 'can't fight who you are'. 

Anywho, none of that might make sense so in short what I basically said is "Tis swift"  ^_^

Weekend To Do (before I jet off):
- Read 2-3 chapters of TROMD
- Revise SpaceShortStory
- Post said SpaceStory
- Watch "The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies"
- Work on one of my project for at least 30 minutes


  1. You do so much for everyone that I'm surprised you don't forget more things. Sometimes I forget what I did the night before when someone at work asks me. I hope your niece wasn't too upset though I'm sure she will understand in time. Hope that you managed to get some of the things on your list done!

    1. I've been forgetting a lot it seems. I'm trying to get better at setting reminders for myself but I forget to create the reminder to not forget :) But for all I have to do I try not to be too hard on myself, still annoying when I do. And I did get a lot done actually, didn't get around to the short story though :\
