Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Effective vs. Successful Ads

Writing that reminds me that I need to try to watch Mad Men someday, now that it's over before I have the ending ruined for me (like Lost). 

At any rate the other day I was watching tv and was reminded of this ad that I find highly funny -

After seeing the commercial yesterday I kept thinking about what made it so funny/appealing to me and not so much the product itself.  Then I saw it again today while at the laundry mat and had another LOL moment.  Afterwards I figured I'd write about it since I thought it was an effective ad but then I couldn't remember who was behind the ad which led me to think what really makes an ad successful.

It's one thing to laugh and relate to the commercial but at the end if I'm not thinking about your car product during my next car shopping trip was it  savvy venture for the car company if I'm searching for Mazda but it's really Subaru??? I'm thinking both of those are Japanese made so at least I was on the correct road. 

And then from that it made me think about writing.  Not so much the marketing but how much bang for the buck each line can encompass and how might the difference be for it?  What would I as a writer deem as effective vs. successful?  Is there a difference?  I believe so but maybe not everyone.   As a reader what might I consider to be effective and what I would want out of the book to be 'effective' for me.  Was the marketing effective enough to cause me to check it out at the library or pick it up from a shelf?  Would reading it be considered a success?  Or is it at the point in which I purchase the product that it's become 'successful' because it made that conversion from a potential sale to an actual? 

Again, as a writer, am I viewing my success on that conversion or something in the feedback to gage it's success?  Does the work become effective if it's inspired a movement, conversation, a huge following, etc... Or am I just spinning my wheels 11:30pm at night and need to get to bed for all the work related stuff I need to do. 

I think it's the latter ^_^

Check out the commercial though.  It appears to be the extended version but it's still quite funny because at the end it's sort of this message of "I think I'll stick to being a kid a little while longer." 

Smart kid. 

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