Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started...

As I get ready to revise TYW and work on one of the scene additions I'm staring down the blank page trying to remember how to start.  But how isn't really the problem.  The answer to how just involves tapping some keys and I've started.  The problem I'm experience is where.  Sure I know there are scenes I've had tinkering for awhile but the where is what causes my wheels to spin.  Because in some ways there's a lot invested in that start and if it's not right, for me at least, I might be stuck.  Meaning I'll likely keep going but at some point I might question that start but at that point it won't matter because I'll be past it.

And yet with that knowledge I still hesitate.  I hesitate not only on the where but on the project.  Now that it's 7/1 (Happy July 1st!) I find myself looking at other projects I started last year like The Last Stop, Winter Lily, The Fortune Cookie/Porch Story, etc and other projects that I've sit on like Forever Young, Justice for First Wives and I'm tempted by them all.  Some are stronger than others yet I know at some point I know I'll have to admit part of me is stalling and another part of me wants to write it all and another part of me is just fearful of diving into the wrong one. 

Working on the wrong project.  Starting on the wrong chapter.  Starting the wrong way.  The fear of not being right and possibly wasting time only to find it wasn't right.  But really, honestly,  I don't think I've ever thought I've wasted my time when I later found I was wrong in some way or not wrong but later discovered that feeling of something amiss and that does happen.

So I write tonight just to fill the void.  To get my fingers warmed up because I'm about to start... something ^_^

1 comment:

  1. This is actually the second blog post I've read today about starts. I used to be so caught up in them as well until I began sprinting which just forced me to keep writing until I forgot about the start altogether. I understand the anxiety because so much empamhasis is placed on the first Page of a story. But the more I read the more I've realised that's not necessarily true. I hope you've managed to make a start and keep in writing.
