I decided to start the script for episode 2 yesterday... I haven't written much between yesterday and today (probably about 200-300 words collectively due to the lack of time) but I'm leaning into it. That said I'm curious about the story knowing how the pilot episode ended. I'm thinking I'll make like a mini series, the number that came to mind is five episodes. Rather or not I'll accomplish that by the end of February I'm not sure. At minimum I've achieved my goal with of 30 pages and feel good in knowing that. Also it's good to have something to write/work on in order to keep adding to my daily word count.
So this weekend has been busy. And today was full. There's been a lot going on this weekend but I'm trying to keep it positive.
It nice gathering at my lil bro's house with everyone and all the kids. Today was definitely a day of some serious talks and just laying things on the table with some honest talk. Hopefully everyone got something out of it. There's always this worry that something might be taken out of context but I always hope that things are received well with good intent.
I'm super drained from it all though, lol. And totally had this weird dream this morning of being at a hospital, waiting for an elevator alongside some other folk but everytime it came down to the floor we were on, it would quickly get loaded and I was trying to keep someone entertained to the point that I was stepping out of line or getting distracted. And by the time I got on the elevator I didn't know which floor to get off on. So I'm yelling thinking the person I'm with will be able to hear me on the elevator their on in order to know which floor to get off of. And somehow I either hear them or realized I needed to actually get off on 4 instead of 7 but trying to spare the other riders I just step off on 7 intending to take the steps down. Except when I try to take the steps it's some weird level where you can't take the steps, its restricted. I feel momentarily trapped. Decide to go back and walk around the floor to find someone to find out how I can take the steps and get back to a particular area. Two people I came across earlier in the hospital offer to get someone to show me but I'm adamant in knowing where I need to go, I just need someone to point me in the right direction...
I hadn't intended on writing that down but as I did I remembered I'd had a similar dream before.
At any rate this weekend has definitely went in it's own direction. And what was an ambitious weekend, still is, given I'll try to tackle a couple books between tonight and tomorrow. With that said... off to read.
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