Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Magic Lady Lumps

Disclaimer  This is a post.  A post that was likely written some days ago, possibly weeks, or months ago.  But it is being posted now for your viewing pleasure because Denise has hit a snag.  For whatever reason Denise is indisposed and unable to write a fresh brand spanking new post.  But for the sake of posting she's has this:  A draft.  A draft entry she wrote at random in the event such a time might arise that she could do nothing but simply press "post" to the draft.  For whatever reason it is the only thing she had time for.  And for this reason there's this disclaimer and a sort-of-apology... …

What are magic lady lumps?  Aside from being a lyric in a song?  An important question that lies within you... …


That feeling when you can acknowledge you are succeeding in other areas but doing terrible in others.  I'm not sure when I'll end up posting this entry since it's a 'didn't have time to actually post' post.

However at this current time I feel like while I'm doing well to challenge myself (by blogging daily, writing/working on a project daily, making better health decisions) I'm still not balancing it out well.  So I did try to pull back on one of my resolutions/goals in order to take a smaller bite in the hopes by the end of the year I could work my way up to it which seems to be good but I'm still wanting to see more activity/things done in the following realms:
- Revision
- Exercise

That's right.  Writing and Health.

Small bites... bird by bird, just gotta keep reminding myself this.

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