Tuesday, October 31, 2023

It's Nano Eve... Do You Know Where Your Fic Is?

 It was the night before Nano and not a plot bunny was stirring, not even a dust mote.

All around the world were writers stressing and fretting, anxious and frightened, gleeful and hopped on all the candy they'd hidden...

I am not among them.  

Oye, about 30 minutes away from the official start of Nano 2024 and I'm working on the other side of my hair.  

At any rate, while supposedly doing some of it yesterday I watched "Joy Ride"... twas hilarious.  I laughed.  Laughed so more.  Cried.  And yeah, it was a good time.  If you're looking for something funny...

And as it's Halloween I noticed Hulu had a "Haunting in Venice" so I watched it.  And I realized tonight as I was watching it, just like with "Death on the Nile" I figured out the killer(s) early on but it's the secondary set or the other set of pseudo crims (before the big reveal) that I don't.  I have an inkling about them especially given their role/closeness to the detective but motives aren't usually what I get.  

That said, I guessed the killer for entirely different reasons based on the actual one.  

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


This past weekend:

- I finally updated ACOFAR over the weekend.


- The furnace went on strike

- I updated mWC

This is the update.

That is all.  

Monday, October 2, 2023

Shoutout to the Kindness of Strangers... and... that... f i c...


I was at the store this morning.  And I had a very set budget, meaning I had cash that I intended to stay within, I wanted to get a few more things off my grocery list that I hadn't gotten.  With fasting this week, I wanted to ensure I had stuffz for the rest of the household.

Well at some point during my mental math, counting as I put stuff in the cart and factoring tax, I was like "mmm, this might take me a bit over" but then I remembered I had a little bit left on a card.  Yay, wriggle room.  

I got to the checkout, counted out my cash and intended to do the rest on my card.  I saw the total and opted to put something back just to be sure I was covered.  Total came down and in my head, I thought 'okay cool, no whammies, no whammies' as I swiped.  But another part of my head was also signaling something wasn't right, but I was a bit slow to the draw to put it together and realized it as the transaction was posting.  Curious to see if it'd process.

It declined.

::insert internal laughter::

As I was fumbling around with my walled the customer next up, who had already opted to pay for the item I took off my order (and had included with her order}, had now covered the difference left on mine.

Kindness folks.  

I thanked her, wished her and the cashier a blessed day and walked out of the store, thinking.

::insert potential emotional breakdown and mentally telling myself -'keeping it together until you get to the car::

Get to the trunk and I'm stilling thinking/noodling, when notice her come out.  At this point I'm thinking 'well maybe I can get her number, pay her back... something'.  She gets closer to me and I thank her again, throw my want to pay her back out there, she declines, ask her for her name so I can include her in my gratitude journal.  This she provides ^_^

Then I immediately burst into tears in the car once I got everything loaded.  Tearing up a bit now just thinking about it...

How Far Can a Gallon of Gas Get Ya... With this Fic? Also, First Day of October/Inktober/Preptoper/All the -ober events


Apparently to work roundtrip before the fuel light pops back on asking that infamous question of "Chick, when you gon stop playin' with my 'motions?"

I purchased a new sketchbook for #inktober2023 as I finished out my last sketchbook with last year's event.  

I've not done anything for the prompt yet.  It's been a busy weekend.  Volunteered at the Holistic Fair, attended a Celebration of Life, work, laundry, Netflix, napping, tech stuff... etc

Twas nice to be able to get a few things at the grocery store like flour, eggs, milk, etc.  Creative cooking with what you got has its challenges (and opportunities) with testing your culinary prowess but it's good to have the staples too.  

Anywho, made some chicken alfredo tonight and intending to sample a bit of it before starting this fast.