Monday, October 2, 2023

Shoutout to the Kindness of Strangers... and... that... f i c...


I was at the store this morning.  And I had a very set budget, meaning I had cash that I intended to stay within, I wanted to get a few more things off my grocery list that I hadn't gotten.  With fasting this week, I wanted to ensure I had stuffz for the rest of the household.

Well at some point during my mental math, counting as I put stuff in the cart and factoring tax, I was like "mmm, this might take me a bit over" but then I remembered I had a little bit left on a card.  Yay, wriggle room.  

I got to the checkout, counted out my cash and intended to do the rest on my card.  I saw the total and opted to put something back just to be sure I was covered.  Total came down and in my head, I thought 'okay cool, no whammies, no whammies' as I swiped.  But another part of my head was also signaling something wasn't right, but I was a bit slow to the draw to put it together and realized it as the transaction was posting.  Curious to see if it'd process.

It declined.

::insert internal laughter::

As I was fumbling around with my walled the customer next up, who had already opted to pay for the item I took off my order (and had included with her order}, had now covered the difference left on mine.

Kindness folks.  

I thanked her, wished her and the cashier a blessed day and walked out of the store, thinking.

::insert potential emotional breakdown and mentally telling myself -'keeping it together until you get to the car::

Get to the trunk and I'm stilling thinking/noodling, when notice her come out.  At this point I'm thinking 'well maybe I can get her number, pay her back... something'.  She gets closer to me and I thank her again, throw my want to pay her back out there, she declines, ask her for her name so I can include her in my gratitude journal.  This she provides ^_^

Then I immediately burst into tears in the car once I got everything loaded.  Tearing up a bit now just thinking about it...

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