Monday, January 29, 2018

Writing and New Things

So far I’ve adhered to my once a week post.  Yay!  One month down 11 more to go.

This won’t be a long post as I’m tired and currently waiting for mi Madres at the casino so I should at least try to sneak in a few more words.

Today I had a bit of a meltdown at work involving one of my projects, blaming it on PMS, and because I did and just wanting to work on my novel a bit I decided to attend a weekly write in.  Long story short I reached out to confirm they were meeting at Starbucks and they were.  So I joined and met a nice group of people while getting in some words and enjoying some hot soy milk ^_^

This week I’ll also be likely doing my fourth float, which I”m excited for because last week was just great.  I came out glowing, lol.  And I was in a really good mood after it and my back felt good.  But besides doing another float I also plan on doing my first ever Paiting w/ a Twist on Saturday.  It’s another solo outing.  And I’m okay with that :)

I’m behind about 26k with #TheLastStop and hoping to do some damage but I also recognize I need to finish up my editorial map if I’m to stay on track for my TYW Revision.

So the goal this week will be to:
- Finish out the first draft of #TLS
- Complete editorial map for TYW
- Start POA (since I didn’t last week)
- Attend PwaT event
- Look into bday plans
- Finish reading book

Oh in another news I did sign myself up for a vegan cheese making class in March.

And I’m off.

5/52 wk

Monday, January 22, 2018

... When All You Want To Do Is Sleep

This past weekend was a success as far as writing and for that I'm thankful that my friend even thought to challenge us into getting caught up with our word count.

The way the bet worked is that whoever wrote the most over the weekend won.  Granted I never learned what would be entailed if I lost.  However we created a safe zone of 10k.  Had they lost I planned on having them perform a Disney song (was thinking How Far I'll Go from Moana) but I had other songs in mind including having compose their own original Disney like song, lol.

At any rate after nearly writing 15k across the weekend, staying up until 3am doing some analysis for work I am tired.  However I worked out that I should aim for 3k each day but tonight I think I'll just satisfy myself with getting in maybe 500 words or so in so I can head to bed.

Though if today is any indicator for writing the rest of the week I'll likely be aiming for another 10k this coming weekend.  But I don't plan on slipping the rest of the week.  And if necessary I may take a day off.

I still need to get through my revision prep, since the plan is to complete #TLS this month and focus on TYW and Year Two for the next couple months.

My hopes/plan for this week:
- Add an additional 20k to #TLS over the course of the week
-Start POA doc
-Dedicate 2 hours to TYW revision prep / editorial map
-Work out/pay bills

At any rate I shall head off to try to get in.. 100 words, lol.  My ability to stay up is fading.

4/52 weeks

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Late Week 3 Post

This won’t be an incredibly long post but I didn’t want to break my chain of weekly updates thus far.

I’m still making steady progress with #TLS and I want to say a couple things emerged this week while writing however rather than give those things away I instead want to relay a hack I tried out this week in regard to my writing.

It’s nothing new by any means but it’s a trick I haven’t tried using until this week.  I had worked late on the 18th and by the time I got in and got everything in order there wasn’t much time to write.  Plus there were potatoes I needed to peel.  This was about 11 ish at night.  So the idea struck me to peel potatoes AND work on #TLS by using my Voice Memo feature on the phone.

I’d use this before while driving to quickly jot down a story idea but that was about it.  Well for about 16 minutes I peeled potatoes and talked, writing out a scene via memo.

So how many words can one speak into existence in 16 minutes?  I had guesstimated about 800 but then I remembered there were times when I lost my train of thought or gaps in time when I thought I’d just stopped talking.  And while there were moments such as those, at the end of the day I guessed MAYBE I’d managed 500 words in those 16 minutes.

Turns out it was closer to 1500.  Granted as I transferred those words to my document (which took me an hour to do because I didn’t talk as slow as I thought I was) and I did as to it as I wrote but most of the words came from that 16 minutes of audio.  So while it was an effective way of multitasking, it still took me about an hour to transfer it but still not bad and something I’ll definitely do again.

In other news I had my second float this week.  I’m thinking I’ll do it again this week but it’s so odd. I start off just hating the stillness of it all and asking myself why did I do this, I just want to go but at some point I eventually relax into it and come away thankful for that quiet moment.  However during this week’s float as I did really sink into there were a couple times my body just jolted.  And I had this idea it was probably because someone had probably texted/called me.  Sure enough I checked my phone after I was out the tank to see I did receive a call.  I think it disrupted the spiritual calm, lol.

Well I’m off to try to get caught up with #TLS.  Have a challenge with a friend and we’re both behind but right now they are doing better than me with the ‘catch up this weekend’ goal.

I’se out


Monday, January 8, 2018

A Week into Ze New Year - Progress Report

I've accomplished all my goals!!!!!

In real news it's been a productive first week.  I'm ahead of my word count (as far as where I should be if I want to hit 150k for the year) however I'm behind if my aim is to get to 60k for #TLS (for the month).  I got in a little over 2k in for the day so yay for that!

I'd like to have a big writing day (like maybe 5-10k) but I'm about to break from #TLS to work on some revision exercises for the TYW now.  My goal is to put 60 hours toward revision for it and so far I think I've only managed 3 :(  So I'm taking a break to make this update before I launch into reading and note taking.

Not too much going on.  I still haven't found a book that captures my interest.  I did recently pick Cinder back up.  I started reading it years ago and got to page 93 then stopped so I'm trying to give it another go.

So the task this week will involve getting myself into something, finding a book that holds my attention.  I'm also hoping to report next week to be at or near 25k with #TLS and at 15 hours of work toward the TYW.

Speaking of the TYW I'm positive once I finish the second draft I'll shop it around for feedback but I'll likely need to revise my timeline for when I'll push it.  Trying for an April release might not be feasible.  August has come to mind or possibly Fall (maybe October or November).  Still noodling on that.

One thing I'll need whenever I do get to revise #TLS is a blank notebook to sort out all these character's and POVs.  I'm giving my self freedom to go with whatever my mind is coming up with and it's' been interesting thus far.  I started the day by capturing a few tidbits about #TLS like a log line, character(s) I like; what I envision the ending to be, location, and my beginning.  Right now #TLS is the first novel I've ever written in no chronological order intentionally.  The POV shifts as well as the scene and the associated timing, it's all over the place.

At any rate I suppose I'll wrap this up.  I did have two vivid dreams last night, one I figured was in relation to #TLS and the other involved my GA peach.  I wrote them both down but thinking about the dream, about her does make me a bit sad in the fact that there was some awareness in the dream that the moment I was having with her was limited and I needed to take advantage of the fact that she was there.

Okay I'se done.  LOL, I also hope to report back on a planned Float I have this Wednesday too ^_^


Monday, January 1, 2018

The Official 2018 Goals/Intetions Post

I feel like I need to include "official" in there now :)

So before I get started with my writing goals for today, planning to do at least 2k toward #TLS or Year Two and then about 30-60 on revisions for Three Year War I wanted to jot down some goals/intents for this year.

Last year I wrote down a lot (in the hopes of giving myself the ability to accomplish them).  This year I want to bring it down a bit. 

For 2018...

1.  Complete the revision of "The Three Year War"
2.  Self Publish another project
3.  Write the first draft of "#TheLastStop"
4.  Write 150k (or more) for the year
5.  Blog once a week (going for an over 80% success rate)... trying this one again
6.  Write 6 short stories
7.  Complete read through of "The Magician's Order" ... trying this one again as well
8.  Travel to three new places
9.  Read 25 books
11.  Reduce debt - Pay off 2 loans or store/credit cards
12.  "Just Because" act of kindness each month
13.  Put 3k into Savings (and not touch it)
14.  Complete a house project (i.e. flooring for one room, garden for spring, organize office, etc) .. rolling this one over too since there's a lot to do still, lol
15.  Once a week health focus (ex: Ensuring I go for half hour walk; 3-5 servings of fruits/veggies; 5-10 minute mindful meditation)

And I'm off to get in some writing so I can resume my New Girl s6 binge ^_^