Monday, January 22, 2018

... When All You Want To Do Is Sleep

This past weekend was a success as far as writing and for that I'm thankful that my friend even thought to challenge us into getting caught up with our word count.

The way the bet worked is that whoever wrote the most over the weekend won.  Granted I never learned what would be entailed if I lost.  However we created a safe zone of 10k.  Had they lost I planned on having them perform a Disney song (was thinking How Far I'll Go from Moana) but I had other songs in mind including having compose their own original Disney like song, lol.

At any rate after nearly writing 15k across the weekend, staying up until 3am doing some analysis for work I am tired.  However I worked out that I should aim for 3k each day but tonight I think I'll just satisfy myself with getting in maybe 500 words or so in so I can head to bed.

Though if today is any indicator for writing the rest of the week I'll likely be aiming for another 10k this coming weekend.  But I don't plan on slipping the rest of the week.  And if necessary I may take a day off.

I still need to get through my revision prep, since the plan is to complete #TLS this month and focus on TYW and Year Two for the next couple months.

My hopes/plan for this week:
- Add an additional 20k to #TLS over the course of the week
-Start POA doc
-Dedicate 2 hours to TYW revision prep / editorial map
-Work out/pay bills

At any rate I shall head off to try to get in.. 100 words, lol.  My ability to stay up is fading.

4/52 weeks


  1. You are seriously kicking it out of the ball park! Now that you know you can do 10k a day, you can start upping your word count :)Can't wait to read TLS. I so love zombie novels.

    1. I just realized I didn’t reply back to this. Lol I’m trying for another 10k to prove that I can do it. Seeing as the last time I did was probably 10’years ago.
