Let me no longer be in denial.
I have failed. I extended my deadline for #TLS to 2/28 since I did a great job in January but didn't complete the first draft. And now that it's two days left in the month I'm not sure I'll finish.
But Feb may have been a fail on the word count goal front and also in completing an editorial map but I did make some progress in understanding the character motives. Also I think my BIG win for Feb and this probably bled a bit from Jan is understanding what #TLS is. A lot of times when I work on a project I'll sometimes ask myself does this fit into another story OR could I combine some ideas to make something worthy of a novel. But instead I found #TLS answered the question I had for one of my other novels. I'm still treating it as a stand alone but that history is there.
Speaking of history I've been working out some of the character's back story and what I know about them because think where I got snagged is I saw a storyline pulling me in more and found myself getting away from the original intent. However I recognize this can happen you go into an idea with one thing in mind and discover some other gems along the way.
At any rate I'm still working on #TLS. I do not know what this means for my revision goals regarding TYW and overall timeline or if I'll just make a hard stop come 3/1 to focus on TYW but at the end of the day I'm working on something.
In other news I recognized a few people for my "Just Because" in February. I took a coworker out to lunch and tried to write out a thoughtful card. I also wrote out a card to my cousins thanking them for what they do. Met with a few ex-coworkers for dinner tonight as well and that was fun. We always have some really good conversations regarding work and life and various observations. But then there was a lot of conversation yesterday I partook in from at my great aunts to talking with my cousin. And for the takeaway is that we all have something we're working on in this lifetime, things we're going through and really does it make a difference with framing yours perspective in order to get the most out of your present.
Anywho I'm tired and I really should try to work on this short story. I finally started "Odd Scripts" last week and got to a stopping point. Right now I'm trying to decide if I should expand it or leave it where it is. But I also want to read more of "Still Me" my coworker dropped off her copy at my desk and I started reading it and I'se curious, lol.
I'll likely end up reading a bit, listening to Hamilton (got back into listening to this soundtrack randomly), and then heading to bed since it's 10:40. I really need to revisit my writing timeline ... ::sigh::
Anywho I'se off
9/52 weeks
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