Sunday, April 12, 2015

Zombie novel it is...

So I've decided to try to work on the zombie novel but instead of trying to 'flesh' it out into the full length novel and incorporate all the various storylines/plots I had.  I'm going to focus it down more to follow the central character. 

In an essence it will be a short story, 10k is the goal.  And I still plan on working on MD it's just been rough trying to make time for the writing gig.  I very much feel bound by work, my apt, and family given all that's gone on.  As I keep telling everyone, I'm one person trying to do my best. 

With that said I'm going to let me computer juice up a bit and try to continue writing. 

Also in random/somewhat related news while doing various chores and such (I think I might've been working on my grandmother's feet/leg at the time) but heard this on NPR and found myself motivated -

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Can't wait for your zombie novel to be done! I love writing novellas because they make you focus on the important parts and not on random filler plot lines
