Thursday, September 5, 2019

Book Bingo

One of the task I gave myself for the week was to treat myself to something unexpected.  I had jokingly gave an example of "finish a book" which I surprisingly did last night.

But I had more so been leaning toward a random movie as I've been wanting to check out "Midsommar" now that its back at theaters.  Long story short I had a meltdown with myself this morning.  Feeling as though, recognizing, I have this habit of wanting to do something for myself but then loading a bunch of things in front of it (in trying to take care of others) that I put myself behind.

It was a mixed emotion of anger but really, mostly, hurt from the callout.  So then my plans for the morning started to stray from the direction but I kept reminding myself that it'll work out, whatever needs to happen will happen.

And thus in returning some overdue items to the library I decide I'll camp out to work.  Well as I was returning some books and DVD's explaining an issue with one of them that I previously tried to return (DVD box didn't align to the actual DVD, turns out I checked it out that way) and noticed there was activity in the meeting room.  It hit me at that moment that I had my treat ^_^

So I played Book Bingo, won 4 tickets that I was able to redeem for items the library had on their Sale Shelf which were "Becoming" by Michelle Obama (been meaning to check it out) and a few DVDs - "La La Land", "Kubo & the Two Strings", and "Black Panther".  The movies are ones I've seen that I like re-watching.

But the reason for the post isn't about the goodies.  And not about the fact I managed this task by DOUBLE treating myself (bingo plus finishing a book).

The post is about the morning meltdown to myself.

The post is about how I played Book Bingo.

It's about how I chose to win my day.

Let me explain... Something happened, really simple, while playing book bingo.  Bingo is an easy game.  Letter/number combination called out and you mark your card if you have it, wait until you have a line (horizontal or vertical) or four corners covered before shouting "BINGO!"

I learned something about myself while playing the game.  Because I decided to step back and take note on how I played a simple game.  How my mind strategized.  The want to swap out cards when I would seemingly get close to a win but then didn't.  The order in which I held my chips.  The fact there needed to be order.  The intent, the memorizing the numbers I needed to hear to achieve the goal.  The voice that kept whispering to relax, just have fun, be present and just enjoy the moment...

When I remembered this or gave myself permission to let go and just be free, to lessen the reigns I won.  And said aloud "I was starting to think I wasn't going to win..."

Aye, that thought, the moment I said it I had to acknowledge it.  What I was saying.  What I wasn't saying...

So I let go.  And tried to remember to let go.  Be okay when I dropped a chipped or if I wasn't holding them in my left hand a particular way.  Or that I missed some numbers.  It was going to be okay.  I would be okay.  It felt like something larger was taking shape and before I knew it I won again.  And again.  And again.

I looked at the bowl of chips as the abundance that life offers.  That all I need but do is reach over and grab it.  I don't need to be afraid.  I don't need to control....

So yeah... I treated myself to something unexpected today.  I'm grateful for the continued opportunities where I do step back.

Three things I'm grateful for today:
- Intent, the ability to focus and hone our attention
- the new story, ready to jump back into it and add some words
- libraries... they are so frickin' great, makes me think about MD

Speaking of, finally got the new cover uploaded yesterday!  Will hopefully push it by next week.

And I shall be off.  Going to try to get in some words.

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