Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tasks for 9/4 - 9/7 & Highlights from Last Week

It is cold... Decided to wear a dress today and knew I might get cold so I made sure to bring a jacket but yeah, I digress.

So the task list for this week is shortened to just 25 things!  I mean, it's always been over 30 items listed but given the short week (today being the first day I'm sitting down to work) plus just progress in general, I'm okay with not making the list super crazy.

That said a few things I plan to go hard with it this week:
- Complete 1 NFD spread
- Outline 2nd draft for TYW
- Write

And a few highlights from last week:
- completed grant submission
- replaced plates
- lots of project time toward NFD and the website

Anywho this shall be a quick post so I can buckle down and knock out some stuff.

But before I mosey off... a few things I'm grateful for so far today:
- reliable transportation
- mi madres
- GPS (both human and technology wise)

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