Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Praying Mantis

Had a visitor today while heading out for a late lunch at Panera.

It’s funny because over the weekend during the cycling event, a smaller praying mantis had been pointed out to me.  My friend actually spotted it as it blended into the bark of the tree and ascended.  However it was tiny comprared to this one...

It’s almost as if it’s peaking from the side saying “Hey girl, I see you...”

I’m grateful to this fella, or wait, I decided she was a QUEEN... I’m grateful for being graced by her presence today.  She eventually flew away but it did give me pause.  I found joy in the moment.

Edit 9/6/19:

I had intended to hold off on positing this yesterday but I was like why not.  Then I remembered why I wanted to hold off last night.  Something in me said "look it up..."  

What did it mean to be paid a visit by the praying mantis?  Because here's the thing it didn't feel like a coincidence.  The fact one had been brought to my attention over the weekend while at the cycling event, something I'd been excited to attend for the break and just relaxation aspect, seemed to be a message.  

Last night I did a quick google search and came across this -
Overwhelmingly in most cultures the mantis is a symbol of stillness. As such, she is an ambassador from the animal kingdom giving testimony to the benefits of meditation, and calming our minds. An appearance from the mantis is a message to be still, go within, meditate, get quite and reach a place of calm... (via USmantis -  Praying Mantis Symbolism)

This is in line with where my thoughts have been, what I've been reminding myself and trying to do  It is a difficult task - to be still.  But it is getting easier and easier each day.

Again, I'm grateful for the surprise visit and looking into the eyes of this Queen (I still say she was a she ^_^).

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