Friday, August 16, 2019

$5 Tuesday - Scary Stories To Tell in the Dark

In a 'just being in the moment' I decided to go to the movies on Tuesday.  I took mi madres and we went to see "Scary Stories To Tell in the Dark".  A movie that was not on my radar whatsoever.  In fact I still haven't seen "The Lion King"  but something about the film drew me.  Probably the names involved and having a soft spot for "Pan's Labyrinth".

I'd been avoiding watching Horror films.  But over the weekend I finally watched "Hereditary" and its creepy, apparently similar to another movie according to my sister.  But it was creepy enough that I knew I didn't want to watch it late and have to 'brain bleach' my mind with "The Mindy Project".  But I digress...

SSTTIND wasn't too bad.  Given that it's based on a children's book it wasn't terribly gruesome but still had it's scary moments.  I checked with mi madres afterwards and the first incident was the scariest for her.  But it does give me an idea... still percolating a bit.

I also noted, aside from me moving more into 'me' and leaning into this idea of just moving forward and saying 'yes' I was reminded of a movie I'd watched the previous night.  "This Is Where I Leave You" and Jason Bateman's character with this mapped out ideal of life.  At the end of the movie when he has the chance to just return home to NY, after 'borrowing' his brother's car, or head toward Maine he diverts and takes the Maine exit.  I felt going to the theater on a random Tuesday was something outside my usual.

How often are we called onto an adventure?  How often do we divert from the well worn road?  The known path?  I'm definitely not the person to go off the beaten path often, or up until this point I didn't think I was but now I'm leaning forward.  I'm now saying 'yes'.  And I think that part of me, has always been part of me.  How else could I have traveled solo for the first time all those years ago...

We aren't going to always dive.  Some of us have a lot of work to do to get to that person, our true selves, even as that persons beats against the cage we keep them in.  Or maybe it's not a cage.  Maybe it's a decorated room that's comfortable.  It has everything we need and yet some part of us looks outside the window yearning for something we can't name...

I guess what I want to say or acknowledge is that everything happens at it's own time.  We won't always lean in and it might take a few cycles before we do.  But that's okay.  Because growth requires/needs patience.

Reminds me of something Rev. Phyllis has said, and I paraphrase, "patience must have her perfect work..."

Well I definitely went off on a tangent again.  All good :D

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