Thursday, August 15, 2019

Task for the week of 8/11 - 8/17

There are 34 tasks on the list this week, some are rollovers from the previous week.  Technically 35 since I forgot one but gave myself credit for doing it :)

I'm off to a slow start this week with school starting up BUT finally sitting down to knock out some things.  Per usual my goal is still to target completing 3 task this week.  And a daily goal of checking off 3 things (which I've not been great at thus far this week).  Some of my task have a further breakdown (for instance I have one box that says to "Blog 4x this week" and have drawn out 4 smaller boxes to indicate each time I've accomplished one).  Might be a nutty system but it works for me.

Anywho of my task this week I plan on accomplishing something in the arena of each project.  For instance I want to complete a task around NFD, TYW, and learning (completing a lesson plan or signing up for a course through STLCC).

Forgot to mention that this has been a busy week which is why Wednesday was the start of the work week.  Sunday was the MSC anniversary party, Monday was my sister's birthday, and Tuesday was the start of school.

I like adding photos to my post... so here's a random pic of my feet and kettle popcorn from the Pentatonix concert :) Also the tacos I got were soooo good but they were demolished pretty quickly so there’s no photo evidence of them.

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