Thursday, February 14, 2019

My Daily Habit Streak Finally Broken... And MOVIES!

Yesterday I finally got to see "Glass" and it was great.  I mean there were definitely things one could poke holes at and some parts that dinged in my mind for various reasons but I was overall satisfied by it.  It made me want to re-watch Unbreakable.  Seeing it was the makeup from not going out Saturday night.  And the twist... definitely hadn't seen one of them coming (had figured out one) and was glad for it because my mind is often going when I see one M. Night Shyamalan' s films.

But by the time I got home I was super tired and hadn't even thought about the fact of writing.  So I finally broke my daily streak of working on something be my editing, writing, marketing, etc.. It's cool though, it was bound to happen one day.  

Today for V-Day or SAD (Singlehood Awareness Day) after work and appts, I took mi madres to see "Isn't It Romantic", her pick, and I enjoyed it.  Again there were some moments that I was like 'eh' but I did laugh out loud a bunch.  And when the movie was over I looked over and noticed she'd fallen asleep.  Mind you I was tired before we left to catch it, she picked it out, and I was just trying to do something since it was Vday but apparently she'd been slightly tired as well.  

At any rate.  I've gotten in some words to my script today.  Have a couple books I need to finish this weekend and need to think through some of the special projects I have in mind this year.  Plus long weekend ahead.  So I'm trying to figure how I might want to utilize it given Feb is half over.  

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