Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Healthy Dose of Writing: Liquid Dose Needed ASAP

I keep thinking one of these evenings that I'll get in and get things together in a decent enough time to allow for writing.  Alas it's almost midnight and I was still working out bills -_-  Still not finished with those.  I wish I could just write down "Pay Student Loan 1 - $500" instead of trying to see if I'm okay to just pay $50.  But it's better than nothing.

Really I'm yearning to do some writing.  I think more so because I need the vacay/escape into my mind to dive into a world and get lost in it.  I'm sure a good read could have the same effect but I haven't been able to really get into any of the books I have and again it takes time thus I'd rather work on one of my own projects.  Plus my self imposed deadline is approaching and I'd like to hit my target especially since I feel like I'm sitting on ideas for MD. 

At any rate, I've been incredibly tired at work so I better head to bed since I also missed my target to get to bed early tonight. 

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