Monday, March 16, 2015

Things I Learned in New Empoyee Orientation....

I've been at my current job since October and today I finally learned where the Fitness Center. 

Hopefully that will not be my last time seeing it but given the amount of stuff with my job, it might be awhile before I visit again.

I also learned there are some nice discounts/perks with being an employee such as home mortgage (!) and discount on my cell phone bill.  So I'll look at investing in a phone next week. 

I learned a few other things too but I'm anxious to talk to someone about the home piece since I'm really trying to find something soon. 

No writing today.  I did get around to paying bills and getting some stuff together for GA, still need to pay her car note.  Still haven't done laundry, set up hair apt, and ... ... ... But I'll get there.  Just hard when every evening I'm picking up my niece and heading to the hospital.  Tomorrow though I might try to come home instead though.

Also the free lunch .... next time I see a free lunch and its from this place, I'll just pass.  And leave it at that -_-

Off to bed. 


  1. Sorry that you've been so busy and had no time. Things get like that when we grow up don't they? Sometimes I hate being a grown up.

    1. It really has. The good thing about the busy-ness is that I try to get the most bang for my time. The sucky part is that I just haven't been able to squeeze in the writing but I imagine if/when I get another break for just me I'll work in some more revisions. But being a grown up.. I think I'd like to go back to the window of 20-22 where you're on the cusp of responsibilities but people still expect you to mess up so it's not full adulthood... yet ;)
