Friday, March 13, 2015

Much to do...

So very sleepy/tired but must do a few things before I pass out tonight like:
 - make a weekend to do list (definitely need one this weekend) and include things such as these-
- house viewing confirmation
- 401k enrollment
- action item/ f-up mtg comm from tonight's family mtg about GA
- cat food
- bills (mine and grandparents)

Just a lot and it sucks typing on this laptop in fact I hink I'm about o give up on trying o make this 't' work so if you come across something funky and it isn' autocorrected its because I got lazy and kep on rollin' so... yeah...

Definitely going o work on finishing a short story tomorrow.  This is the goal and probably going to work on it from the hospital tomorrow as well as work on MD. 

In unrelated news, tried something different today -

I think I'd like more rice next time if I had it but when you want curry, I've learned, you just want curry.  No substituting that craving.

I'se outy


  1. I do this really stupid thing where I decide during the week that Friday night is going to be the night when I will do all my chores so I have the weekend free to do other things. It NEVER works out like that because I end up being too tired by the end of the week. So I know exactly how you feel. Really hope that you manage to have both a productive and relaxing weekend.

    1. Today was productive, not so much with writing but productive nonetheless. Speaking of cleaning, need to do that too. Been extra neglectful this weekend -_-

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