Sunday, February 8, 2015

"Authenic love does not devalue another human being..."

Listening to the Grammy's and stopped when I heard the Obama PSA which was followed by a survivor of domestic violence, Brooke Axtell, as she said the following-

"...Authentic love does not devalue another human being. Authentic love does not silence shame or abuse. If you are in a relationship with someone who does not honor and respect you, I want you to know that you are worthy of love. Please reach out for help. Your voice will save you. Let it extend into the night, let it part the darkness. Let it set you free to know who you truly are: valuable, beautiful, loved."

Not to say I've ever been the direct victim of domestic violence but I've witnessed it and it's a horrible feeling to watch your mother or a friend be the victim and feel helpless.  There's a murderous anger that does build too, that feeling of 'if I ever...' which can be dangerous because now you've taken in some form of poison.  You might not ever stop hating that person, the abuser, long after they've changed, or maybe they haven't but that really isn't the point.  The fact that you still hold on to that anger in some form that you tell yourself 'it'll never be me' but at the same time fear it's possibility...

Hearing that tonight and with some other things this weekend I was reminded of that anger.

At any rate today was a productive day and another warm day too, not as warm as yesterday but warm enough to take my niece to the park and then to the movies to see the new SpongeBob movie

I think I completed everything on my list except -
- Dedicating 1-2 hours on MD
- Dedicating 1-2 hours on reading
- Work
/Complete Week 5 SS
- Uniform(s) for niece
- Begin development on TOC recipe
- Pay/Send Rent

I started week 5's short story but due to issues I was distracted and just not focused enough to finish it.  But I'll try posting it later this week.  I still need to finish the space short story but the new one I started yesterday kept coming to me.  I've jotted it down as the 'watcher/stalker' story. 

Okay off to work on the daily 100 and head to bed soon.  Have a morning meeting -_-

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