Sunday, February 15, 2015

Happy Single Awareness Day... Ready for it to be 4pm tomorrow...


No more sleepovers.  At least not for awhile.  I'm so tired right now and they're still up.  Granted a couple of the girls fell asleep/napped during the movie and the car ride home.  We saw "Big Hero 6" tonight at what used to be the Dollar Show (but now it's $3). 

I tried to keep the girls plenty engaged today so that I could ensure they'd pass out a decent hour tonight and allow me to have some "Denise" time.  Alas that is not the case.  I'm eating and thinking "I have to get away... must get away." 

I attempted to let them play in the park today but it was WAY too cold out.  We lasted about 15 minutes before I called it and had them heading back to the car.  They played for an hour or so at the McDonald's play place while we waited to catch the next showing.  A couple of the kids wanted to watch the new SpongeBob movie but me and my niece had seen it last weekend and there was no way I was going to pay to see that again.  I didn't want to pay for it the first time to be honest.  In fact I think I'm well on my way to surpassing my theater viewing from last year.  I only remember seeing one movie last year (Mockingjay) but it's possible I saw something else early on in 2014.  But already I've been to the theater twice this year, so there you go. 

Other than that it's interesting to listen to these three 7-yo girls.  I've watched them team up to talk about appropriate behavior in regards to candy, one comment how she can't stand people walking and why they just don't buy cars, where babies come from (I rerouted that one, lol), and there was one that just slipped my mind.  Oh I remembered it was about having kids.  They saw a party bus and the fact that two of them recognized it was a party bus was a curious thing itself.  The following took place, this is my remembrance-

K:  I can't wait when I grow up.  When I'm a grown up I'm going to get me a party bus.
S:  Me too, I'm going to get a party bus.
C:  When I grow up I'm going to have a baby.
::dead silence for a second or two:
K:  You don't want to have a baby.  Then you can't do anything fun. 
S:  Yeah I don't want to have to find a baby sitter.
::five minutes later::
S:  My baby names are going to Sasha, Kata, and Justice.
S:  And she going to look just like Justice.
... ....
K:  My baby going to look like they daddy.
... ... ...
Me (thinking):  I really want a nap.  Must stay awake... I should probably say something... poor Jaylen. 

And I can't remember what they said after that.  I think I might of interjected to discuss the fact not all people can afford to buy a car or maybe that was earlier while we were still on Kingshighway :\  ... The 'Aya Hens Show - Three 7 Y/O with developing filters.

Also completed and submitted my taxes today!  I didn't officially put it on the 'to do list' but it was definitely an item I wanted to get to sooner rather than later since last year I waited until 4/15 to file and didn't want a repeat of that. 

Okay I'm off to do some writing. 

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