Monday, February 9, 2015

Inevitable Poem Reading

This will be another quick entry since I finally got around to looking at MD last night and I printed out the 2nd draft so I want to try to work on it a bit tonight.  As well as tomorrow since I just learned I only need to run one person (mi madres) to her eye doctor follow up.  Built  of a scheduling snafu and it turns out I probably didn't need to take the day off tomorrow but I'm going to take advantage of it and work on MD a bit. 

In playing around with recording, I used the recorder on my laptop to read a short poem I wrote years ago to accompany my second novel "Inevitable".
And this is where I'll wrap it up.  At some point I'll get to the library to use the studio but maybe I can play around with making audio on the laptop for now.  Maybe work in some background piano or something -_- 

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely multimedia addition to your blog. :) Though I feel a little stalkerish to be pleased to put a voice to your picture. Why yes, my writing pals are real people with speech capability and everything. Good job getting back to MD with everything else on your plate!
