Today I waited by the garden, hoping you might visit. It was the only sunny day and from the cottage I thought I heard you. It was cloudless. Just a blue sky looked down on me. I closed my eyes and the warmth kissed my lids.
Then you were there.
I said nothing.
“Looks like the works.”
I shook my head.
“Did somebody order the combo? I see a few squirts there.”
“You’re disgusting you know that…” I said with a smile. I’d given in and laughed despite all efforts
not to let you have them so freely. Not anymore. In that one moment you’d stolen both.
“You’ve abandoned your silent treatment but the cloud still
“Uncultured,” I said and we both laughed.
I’m not sure who reached for whose hand first but we
clenched the other. I wasn’t ready to
let go but then you said, “It’ll get better.”
Easy for you to say
I thought at the time. You were going
somewhere and I was to stay here. I
wanted to follow you.
“But?”“It’ll get better,” you repeated. You really wanted me to believe that. I felt it then, the way your hand tightened and your breath deepened. You closed your eyes. “Whenever you come, I’ll be here.”
“But you…” I started to say when you interrupted, “trust me,
it’ll get better.” I heard your
words. I opened my eyes. The light blinded me but I saw your face,
staring back at me, and I watched as you slowly disappeared.
I waited in this garden.
Some days I hadn’t thought of you at all but today I wondered and knew
then it was time to leave the Noft. It
had restarted like you knew it would. I
only hoped that once I saw you in this life you’d remember me.
Because I’ve been waiting.
I don't know why you didn't think this was a good story because I really enjoyed it. A bit spooky and sad at the same time.