Dear 2014,
You kind of sucked. No, well, you did suck. I don't remember if there ever was such a year that I felt so uncomfortable. But maybe that's just comes with aging. But you, 2014, were quite the cluster. You forced my hand in some ways.
In January you let me know my new job was in jeopardy.
February my super crappy Blackberry finally kicked the bucket after I dropped it for the umpteenth time. Much to the pleasure of others who thought I was overdue for a new phone. Fine, maybe you did me a favor there 2014 but then February was also when I got an offer at Purina, FINALLY, 6+ years later, only for that offer to be rescinded due to my own bad timing.
But I wasn't happy, so maybe that was another favor. Perhaps it was even meant to be because that job would not get posted again.
In March I turned 29, uneventful, at least nothing I can remember. Oh wait, zombie novel. Think this idea came to me then or maybe in February. Either case I had a new novel idea.
April... APRIL! Well my car crapped out on me. I got the boot from my apartment and my last day at Purina was on Good Friday. Yep, it was a good Thursday because that was my actual last day. Good Friday was when I discovered I had a month to be out of my apartment.
But you know, that apartment needed some attention and I needed more space given it was no long just me there. So again maybe I needed a nudge there.
And I wasn't incredibly happy with my job. In fact it was probably the first time I'd ever felt so lousy. So hey, okay, 2014 I'll give that one to you too. You broke me in April though, maybe a little in May 2014, I cried many times. Being a controlling son-of-a-gun is quite the trip when you start feel you have so little of it. When you think you've done everything right, or at least tried to, and somehow you find yourself not having made a dent in this wondrous thing called life. Yeah... that wasn't a fun time.
In May, found a new place, woo hoo. Someone listened because the new place was conveniently close Metrolink station and the bus line I'd become familiar with. It was bigger, cost more, BUT I'd did it. In less than a month and a huge hit to my savings I was moved into my new place.
June I put a good chunk of my money into Pinky, for one last hurray, hoping she'd pull through. She did not.
In July me and Purina hooked up again ;) Re-wrote about 40k of MD (yay!).
In August I participated in the Warrior Dash and survived.
In September I got another job offer. Me and Purina parted ways again but at least I was there to learn something about myself. To discover what I like.
October - December: Life at Wells Fargo. And again I find myself in that place of job in jeopardy where I must apply for a FT position. I have applied as of 12/26.
So in closing, 2014, you did suck a bit but you also gave me a sort of freedom that I have struggled with and that's letting go. As the shots fire into the air here in the Midwest signaling a new year. 2014 thanks for being such a sucky year. But thanks for happening the way you did all the same. Because I did make it through you after all.
P.S. Thanks for the last minute new novel idea. You gave me two new novel ideas this year and a plethora of supporting items for ideas already started. Okay, so maybe you weren't so sucky -_-.
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