Monday, January 12, 2015

52 Week/Short Story Challenge Update

Good gracious... so hard to write a short story for a novel you've had in your mind for who knows how long.  I legitimately thought I could take an aspect of it and write about it without getting into the novel but as it went that was not the case -_-

I think I might make a go at doing pieces from this particular novel in short story format, if I can swing it but trying to get this under 1500 was hard.  But it's a good way of working another set of writing muscles.  I think from now on I'll just aim for an overall goal of not going over 5k instead of a new WC goal each week. 

To recap-

Week 1 - Ned Finally Died
Week 2 - LLFH:  Broken Things

Okay now I thinking I'm going to head to bed and hope that the weather is crappy enough that they'll close the campus OR I can just work from home. 

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