Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Oh Nasal Decongestant Spray, I heart thee

It seems rare but it probably happens more times that I can appreciate but after battling with my nose today and having trouble breathing on and off today I decided to try a nasal decongestant my mom had.  It worked almost instantly in seems and now I'm breathing easy.  I mean it broke up whatever was in there. 

So yay!  My inner ear canal seem to be a bit bothersome so I'm hoping I don't have an ear infection or anything of the sort. 

In sort of related news, I've been drinking coffee due to this slight cold too.  Kind of want some now. But I'm too lazy to make a pot so I'm just going to get some water and pop a popsicle in my mouth and read a chapter of a novel sent to me yesterday.  I'm really going to be proactive in making this a productive year and try to work on finding a good/reliable CP. I really do feel like I'll be querying again this year.  At any rate I suppose if I'll get to my daily 100 and this reading I better get to it.

And in random quotes for the day my niece asked me, "Do Queens like to eat a lot?  Because I'm a Queen and I like to eat a lot."

She's been playing dress up the last couple days and right now she's in one of mom's old dresses that's gold and wearing my 'click clack' shoes.  I had just spoke to her about all the cookies she's going through and how I haven't had one of the sugar cookies yet which then prompted her to offer me the cookie she had proceed with the above question/statement.

And one final cookie quote from my niece "I'm good at eating cookies."  She's so matter of fact.

Apologies for any spelling/grammar errors.  Starting to feel a bit more lethargic. 


  1. 2015 is the year we all make progress with our writing!! I'd be happy to help you in the CP department if you need someone. My experience is limited to YA stuff though and I don't deal well with the Bella Swan types. Just a heads up

    1. Awesome Lan! Have you been looking for a CP? I figured you were probably all set up in that department. I could send you the first chapter of my YA dystopian and see if you think it'd be something you'd read. And no obligation to continue forward if its not your cup of tea.

    2. I have a few CP but trust me you can never have enough! Would love to give your novel a look at. Send it through to me at lc.novel@gmail.com

  2. Okay, I googled to avoid asking an easy question, but what does CP mean? All I got was "cuddle party" and I suspect that's not what you were referring to.

    Also see above, as 2015 is totally going to be our year!!

    1. Oh wow, cuddle party huh? I'll have to remember that. I was talking more about a Critique Partner. Though a cuddle party sounds interesting too.

      And yes I'm really feeling that 2015 will be a good year on the writing front.

  3. Aha, a critique partner! That makes much more sense. Cool, you absolutely deserve an excellent one of those. :D
