Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Good, The Bad... THE PROJECTS

Today has been quite the day.  There have been highs and lows.  I randomly got a teary-eyed as I rode by my friend's old townhome and thought about her father who passed in November.  I had to take mi madres for some nerve/muscle testing for potential damage.  And I just had this recurring thought about my own ideas around mortality.  The first two short stories I've written have involved being dead/dying.  Granted my week 3 short story is about a love confession, I still feel like I've had death on the brain. 

For instance I wrote down "The Ghost Story" in my notebook a couple weeks back and today while waiting for the doctor I started thinking about a novel idea I had years ago and a scene of friends in this gigantic mansion.  And the line which stood out was "a dead girl brought us here...." or "we're all here because of a dead girl".  Then I had the idea of sort moving the story back, from the prospective of the dead girl, back when she was still alive some time before and how exactly she got this group of friends to go to this mansion (which is no ordinary place).  I think when I originally had this idea it was a haunted house but now that it's back on my radar I feel like the idea might be shifting a bit.  Stay tuned.

At any rate this post was intended to be about my projects.  Maybe not all of them but the ones that are sort of active in my brain in some form.  I've been meaning to capture this for awhile  So here are the projects that I'm actively pursuing in some way and where it's at:

1.  TYW - The Three Year War - reading; prep for 2nd draft
2.  MD - Montgomery's Diary - editing/revising; 2nd draft I/P
3.  OTTM  - Orders to the Magician - need to read; outline for 3rd/4th draft
4.  WL - Winter Lily - 1st draft; on hold; capturing plot points
5.  TLS - The Last Stop - capturing notes; capturing plot points
6.  FY - Forever Young - 1st draft; on hold; capturing plot points
7.  FG - Fantasy Girl - 1st draft; on hold; capturing plot points
8.  TFC - The Fortune Cookie - 1st draft; on hold

And I believe there are some other projects that have randomly poked in my head (such as the ghost story mentioned earlier).  But these will probably be the ones I touch this year in some form.

So back in October I created the following timeline:
(I'll omit Oct-Dec 2014 since these months have come and gone)

Jan '15
- Edit/Review TYW
- MD Revisions

Feb '15
- Revise TYW
- Read through OTTM
- Outline OTTM

Mar '15
- Revise TYW
- Outline OTTM

April '15 - June '15
- Write/Complete OTTM 3rd draft

June '15 - Aug '15
- Outline TLS or TFC
- Write/Complete TLS or TFC

And you know I wrote down things for September - November like editing the 3rd draft of OTTM, revising, and outlining for Nano.  But this schedule needs a bit of tweaking.  Now that I've done this, maybe tomorrow I'll revisit this list and edit it to be more realistic. 

Off to take care of the daily 100. 


  1. This is an impressive list! Way to go on organizational progress so far. Also, *hugs* for tears and mortality...even when they fuel creativity.

    1. Thanks Toni! It is quite the list. All the more reason I need to be realistic in what I work on since there's a lot. Thanks for the hugs. It was definitely crazy yesterday and I didn't want my mother to see me all teary eyed either.
