Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Weekend is So Short :(

I know I still have Sunday but in looking at the handwritten listed I made for myself Friday while still at work (what I posted online was a truncated version) of the nine things on there, I've checked off two...  ::commence internal meltdown::

Granted after I make this post I'll plan on adding some words to TYWL (goal of adding 2k for the weekend).  And I lost some words to it last night.  After purchasing Scrivener last night my laptop seized and I thought I'd saved my spreadsheets and story but apparently I didn't because a bit of dialogue is gone.  It wasn't a significant loss, probably less than 500 words, but still.  Going to take my second stab at that particular scene, wasn't too attached to the original anyway so I'll take it as an opportunity to make it more.  

I did take care of a personal thing today, needed a new battery and that soaked up about 4-5 hours at Wal-Mart.  I at least knocked out some grocery shopping during the wait and spoke to some other customers in the waiting room about anxiety when driving 'dirty' and our treatment when it comes to going to auto shops as women.  Also the cashier from there turned on 'Bird Box' even though a few minutes into the film it froze.  Granted I'd already seen it so it wasn't one of those times that I got sucked into the move. Though the opening down draw you in when Sandra Bullock character is hashing out some strong words/instructions and you're sitting there like "Who she talkin' to like dat?"... At any rate I had hoped to do some reading while I was there but I was just way too tired.  Didn't even crank on GOT, up to season 6 with it.  

And I went out with my sister and the nieces/nephews to the park as the weather was great today.  I considered it my 30 min of exercise since we eventually played Hide and Seek.  And OMG so out of shape but for me it was hilarious to try to chase after them or when my niece tried to get me and I'm thinking "I'm such a slow runner".  LOL when did that happen?  I was never super fast to begin with but wow, it felt good though - the running and game play.  And later, once home, went down for what turned out to be a two hour on and off nap.  But I'm UP now.  Looking to do some damage (at least tackle 2 more things tonight).  

I'm not sure if I'll make it through Childhood's End before the weekend is out but it's my goal to try to.  I have way too many books that I've opened and wandered off on.  Trying to close some of those out.  

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